
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nice Moments

I love this warm weather. I love it so much that I'm already dreading next winter. I think if I looked back at my last days of most Aprils, there would be some similar sentiments in past years.

After a little bout of sadness this morning I started counting my blessings and didn't have to get far before I got really grateful. I'm so glad I can ride my bike over the bridge and go teach a group of people who stop what they're doing at lunch so they can take a yoga class. I was playing Snatam Kaur's Ra Ma Da Sa towards the end of class, letting it merge into the relaxation and at the end of the class someone asked me what CD I was playing. I showed him on my iPod and he said, "thank you. Those were some nice moments."

And it really got me to thinking about how nice moments are so valuable. We keep going for nice years or nice seasons or nice partners or jobs or whatever, and really it's about nice moments. Noticing the nice moments. Experiencing the nice moments.

As a yoga teacher I've often referred to myself as an "experience provider," especially for the drop in classes. It's a chance to be in a safe environment, where the lights aren't so bright and the music is soft, and you can have some nice moments with yourself.

If you're not doing anything Sunday night, I highly recommend you attend Snatam Kaur's concert. I won't be in town so I will miss her - again.

1 comment:

Dirk Muir said...

I am heading back to Washington this weekend. I would soooo love to see Snatam Kaur again. It is so worthwhile. Too bad you will miss her again. See you later, and thanks for all the great classes this month!